Display Prospecting & Re-marketing


During Google’s Marketing Live 2019 Summit, they discussed the many, many different touch points that a customer is likely to make before making a purchase. For beauty, a customer is likely to interact with over 700 touch points.

With this in mind, it is more important than ever that we remain front and centre of our customer’s minds when we’re anticipating that all important purchase.

Programmatic Display

Programmatic Display allows us to do this effortlessly and seamlessly. Through behaviour, demographic and interest insights, we are able cost-effectively pin point audiences who are likely to engage in our product or service.

Audience insights are one thing, compelling stand-out Ads are another, so make sure your creative matches up with the audiences that you are intending to reach. It’s also critical to communicate with your potential customers based on where they are in the purchase journey. This level of personalisation is key to converting your browsers into customers!

Google Display Network

In March this year, we attended Shop Talk in Vegas. During a Seminar hosted by Google, the audience was led through all of the many, many touch points that the customer came in to contact with whilst communicating with a brand. It was astonishing, particularly for beauty and fashion brands. It reminded us just how critical it is to remain front and centre of our customers minds in order to succeed at converted your customer, rather than losing them to a competitor.

One way of subtly reminding the customer of their visit to your site, is through the Google Display Network (GDN). Through a variety of media sources - text, image, video and interactive ads - we can help you reach your audience in the right places, at the right times. We place ads on websites across the Internet, that are relevant to what you are selling: selling dresses? We can Display your ads on the Femail Fashion pages of the Daily Mail to customers who match similar audiences to your existing customers. The granularity at which we can target specific audiences is what guarantees you a strong return on ad spend from the GDN.

Social Media Re-marketing

My favourite kind of re-marketing!!! I have had a very love / hate relationship with Social Media Marketing. It’s a TOUGH nut to crack, but when you get it right, no other channel (at the time of writing!) even comes close.

Whether you’re prospecting for new customers (more detail below) or re——targeting your existing audience, this channel is a DREAM! However, it’s almost impossible to measure the true impact accurately.

Facebook Ad Manager allocates sales from all channels entirely to Facebook IF the user VIEWED one of their ads during their path to purchase. This is fine, however it doesn’t attribute any of the reward to any other channels so it’s difficult to manage channel budget accurately.

Measuring through Google Analytics is a slightly more accurate measure of the truth (arguably) as it takes into account other channels when considering the touchpoints that assisted in the path to purchase. What Google Analytics can’t measure is Facebook views, therefore it’s difficult for Google to accurately illustrate the true value of Facebook’s role in the customer journey.

After pondering this subject for some time and working with various third party attribution models, finding a truly independent, accurate model is going to prove difficult at this time (however if you do have a suggestion, we would love you to get in touch!). If you would like to learn more about how to truly attribute Facebook ads, or how it would work best for your business, this is a subject that we absolutely love to chat more about, please get in touch and we can definitely help you out!

Custom and Look-a-Like Audiences

Have you identified your existing loyal, top spending customers? If not, we can help you with this. From here, we can then help you to discover more of these customers through the power of Facebook and Google. Sound too good to be true? It isn’t!

In Facebook, you can create custom audiences from multiple sources, including first party data generated from your existing customer database, to data about your audience collected by Facebook’s custom pixel. Please note, you must have the pixel installed on your website before you start to collect or use any customer data via Facebook. If you are uncertain about how to do this, please contact us to find out more. Once we have shared which data set we would like to use with Facebook, Facebook identifies the common qualities of these audiences (for example, their demographic, age or interests) and then finds users with similar qualities. Using strong, relevant creative, we can than target these prospects with ads that encourage them to explore your brand in more detail.

Google has allowed us to re-target customers for a while, however they launched Similar Audiences for Search mid-2017, allowing us to actually prospect for new customers, in a similar way to how Facebook has been allowing us to do for a while. If you are keen to discover more of your best customers, through Google, get in touch and we will help you out!

In order to protect your customer’s privacy and the sensitive information that is shared during the checkout process, all customer information that is shared to Facebook and Google is hashed before it is uploaded, and data is never saved. There is no danger of any customer data being shared or mis-treated.

If you have a prospecting strategy, ensuring that look-a-like audiences are built into your strategy across both Google and Facebook is critical. If this isn’t already built in, please get in touch, we would absolutely love to help you maximise your budget in this area. If you don’t have a prospecting strategy but feel that you need one, again, this is something that we can help you to build!